I worked solely on these projects. These projects include:
Typesetting, Branding, Photo Manipulation, AI Utilization
A burn (made famous by the largest one in the world—Burning Man) is a temporary community run by volunteers that focuses on participant-driven creativity and artistic self-expression. Burns are held year-round across the globe. Each event has its own branding, as well as an annual theme. The survival guide is intended to instruct participants on what to expect and how to prepare for the event, as well as set the tone for the annual theme.
Below are my survival guide designs for 4 of the major burns in Texas: FreezerBurn, Burning Flipside, Myschievia, and UnBrokenSpring.
FreezerBurn 2024
Upon hearing the theme, the concept of eyes being so prevalent throughout history and art struck a chord with me. The chosen pieces—ranging from early years to modern-day works—are centered around eyes, representing wisdom and expression, and play with paint, color, and modern art techniques.
Since the guide experiments with art traveling through history, it’s intended to be read as a long linear path.

Burning Flipside 2024
I was given free rein to interpret the event’s theme, Cosmic Critter Carnival. Per tradition, participants submit their ticket requests in hand-decorated envelopes. The previous survival guides had the envelope art placed in a very clunky way. I wanted to bring the art to life. So this is how I approached it.

I also had the honor of making the art for the event map.
As well as patches and a bandana for volunteer departments within the event.
Myschievia 2023
My concept for this guide was to embrace the playfulness of the chosen theme via the feel of a video game dialogue. It’s a combination of pirates, cowboys, and …other creatures teaching the reader how to navigate this wild rodeo of an event.
I felt using AI would add to the chaotic, quirky feel, so I utilized Firefly by Adobe to create the majority of the designs. At the time of use, Firefly was pulling its data from the Adobe database making it much more ethical than most AI generators. I was comfortable using this tool because I was very upfront about it being AI and not my original work. The overall goal is to produce eye-catching designs to convince participants to read the lengthy rules, and I don’t get any type of payment for the many, many hours of work (in addition to my day job) these books take. Ain’t no body got time for that!

Myschievia 2024
My concept for this guide was for this to feel similar to an activity book. The theme “All in Play” is meant to bring childhood joy back into adult lives, and I wanted this book to be the first introduction of that idea. There are several games and activities sprinkled in this manual.

UnBrokenSpring 2023
Inspired by the theme “Door to Otter Space,” I decided to meld imagery of the universe and the aquatic habitat of these adorable otters. Since the guide can be a bit dry by the required (and kinda dry) information, my design was intended to make reading it feel more whimsical and fun.