I worked solely on this project. This project includes:

Kickstand Logo .png
laptop gallery mockup.png


Kickstand the Mobile Mule is an all-purpose event wagon based in Austin, Texas. The Mobile Mule is a refurbished, two-horse trailer converted into a mobile bar. Kickstand partners with local bartending services that offer exclusive packages for Kickstand clients. Available to rent for weddings, corporate events, backyard kickbacks, and anything in between.


The challenge

Kickstand the Mobile Mule is a unique service. We need to help the user understand the service and perceive the booking experience as simple and trust-worthy.

Our goal is to increase page traffic by 10%.



We conducted surveys to gather information on our ideal users. They are women aged 21 – 65 with moderate disposable income who have an upcoming event. They have a preference for clean but cute designs.

In my research, 87% of my bride interviewees stated they were aggravated by the booking process of many different elements for their wedding. 78% of my interviewees stated they want to find something unique and interesting for their special event.

“I’m exhausted from trying to get in touch with so many vendors.”

“I hate most websites I’ve tried booking on. They are usually really confusing.”

“It has been difficult finding something that fits me and my partner for our wedding. Everything looks the same.”

Based on this information, the website’s re-design should be:

  • clean and easy to navigate

  • simple to request a quote

  • complementary to the Mobile Mule’s look


user profile pic.jpeg

Confident, Loving, Tasteful


28 years old, lives in Dallas, TX. Is a pharmacist. Makes $105,000. Likes Anthropology, getting manicures, going to brunch, and volunteering at pet shelters on the weekend.

Wants & Needs

To book an exciting experience for her wedding guests. Wants to have an easy transaction.

Pain Points

Is tired of investing so much time arranging everything for the event.



laptop home mockup.jpg

Figma files for this project are available upon request.

Kickstand Home Desktop.jpeg


View all wireframes on Figma.



For ease of use, we changed the site from four pages to one. Testimonies are brought to the front to insight confidence in potential clients. The typography and overall design are tightened up while keeping the charm of the brand.

old screenshot.png
old screenshot contact.png
old screenshot about.png
old screenshot contactt.png


I love these types of services, so I was really excited to be able to help out with their website. I’m thrilled about the launch; I think it’s going to help them bring in business.

Our benchmark of success will be measured by analytics of increased page traffic. We will also measure how much traffic the hashtag brings to the site and look specifically at the number of unique visitors.
